The Whiskers
”The Whiskers” is a Swiss duo comprising Stéphane Aviolat (29) and Yaasiin Khurwoolah (31), two producers and DJs. Their journey began in Lausanne in 2010, where their shared love for electronic music sparked an immediate connection. Since then, they’ve toiled in the shadows, prioritizing quality and discipline. Years of dedication have honed their skills, shaping their musical identity and fostering a strong bond. In 2019, their debut tracks—”Faith,” ”Golden Age” with Micah Martin, ”Rescue” with PRYVT RYN, and ”Let It Go” with Miss Ghyss and Hartness—were released by Glorie Records, Exposed Recordings, and Worka Tune. They’ve since expanded their repertoire, adding a live set in 2022, delving into an underground style. Their goal? To share profound moments of joy and emotion with their audience. Music, to them, is a conduit for spreading happiness, echoing Voltaire’s words: ”Happiness is the only thing we can give without having it, and it’s by giving that we acquire it.” In 2024, they’ve already released 5 tracks, hinting at more to come!
The song started with a studio day where we try to find a great bass in the Sub37, then we play higher notes and we find an amazing plucky lead. The rest is history.