‘Kylolus’ is the unofficial collaboration that gives life to the music of Oxfordshire-based songwriter, Murray Edmunds – that’s me! I’ve been writing songs over a period of several decades now, since learning classical piano as a child, but I was raised on ‘prog rock’ and take my influences from the great bands of the 70s, as well as songwriters like Al Stewart, Jackson Browne and Elton John.
I would describe my music as a collective of rock songs and ballads, sometimes blended with ethereal and folk elements. I’m a science writer by trade, and take lyrics very seriously. I believe the lyrics of a song (as well as the melody) should be elegant, worthwhile and resonate with listeners, so I often write about life events and emotional experiences that I hope others can relate to. Sometimes, songwriting can be a really cathartic process, and nothing beats the sense of creativity I get from sitting at a keyboard, working out a new riff or melody, writing lyrics and then developing the song right through to a final recording.
About 10 years ago, I was introduced to local professional singer and vocal coach, Andrew James, and he has been my go-to vocalist and producer ever since. Andrew, in turn, introduced me to guitarist Steve Skidmore (‘Skidders’), and these guys are integral to the sound of Kylolus. They are both superb songwriters in their own right. As Kylolus, our goal is to make song recordings of the highest quality we can, and to have fun in the process.