Big Jack´s Revenge
We are a german rock´n roll band called Big Jack´s Revenge.
Born and bred in Germany’s hard rock cradle, Hannover, guitarist Mario Timme (ex-Vitesse, Zed Yago…) is widely known in this area. The pandemic lockdown was his inspiration. He took the six-string and started writing. Some calls to friends and studio night shifts later, Big Jack’s Revenge was born.
Keyboardist Frank Teuteberg is Mario’s partner in crime when composing. With the lyrics and vocal support of Ulli Dürkop (singer of AC DC tribute band Hellfire), Big Jack’s Revenge produced a complex dark, mysterious hard rock album. The first four singles are online.
Tim Walkling on the drums and bassist Jürgen Dehmel (ex-NENA, Furious Fast Fakkahs…) complete this promising band.
The combination of power guitars with haunting melodies explodes in a sound that will send chills down your spine. Follow us into the shadows to glimpse our creative process and upcoming shows!